A Time to Cast Away Stones

The Works of Tim Powers » A Time to Cast Away Stones

Title: A Time to Cast Away Stones

Author: Tim Powers

Date of First Publication: 2009

Place of Publication: Charnel House (chapbook)

Type: Short story

Characters: John Trelawny


Critical Summary: This story revolves around of Edward John Trelawny, a real-life friend of Mary Shelley (and Percy Shelley and Lord Byron), and a self-styled swash-buckling “corsair” from Byron’s poetry. After Percy Shelley’s death, Lord Byron and John Trelawny sail for Greece to fight for Greek independence from the Turks. They separate and Trelawney marries the daughter of a local warlord. This story is one Trelawney told in real life (which means it might be true), but here is connected to the world Powers created in his novel The Stress of Her Regard, in which stone-like vampric creatures prey on humanity (but bring poetic inspiration, too). Specifically, in this story, Trelawny’s mission is to protect his wife Tersitza from supernatural harm, and to help save her brother Odysseus as well. Trelawny travels through the spirit of the mountain and is tempted by the Arabian Princess Zela riding along beside him on horse. She wants him to stay with her, but he continues to push through and makes his way past her enchantment and all the power offered him.

Lord Byron, Percy Shelley. Mary Godwin, and the Creature, are discussed in this story, but do not appear. The major themes evident in A Time to Cast Away Stones were the Byronic Hero and the racial/political aspects of the story.

Administrative Notes. Rebecca Loera, CSUF student; Dr. David Sandner, CSUF (editing); Sam Drake, CSUF (editing)