The Measure of All Things

Title: The Measure of All Things

Author: Richard Chwedyk

Date of First Publication: 2001 

Place of First Publication: The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction

Type: Short Story 

Characters: No Character


Critical Summary: This work revolves around creations known as Saurs. Saurs are dinosaur toys created artificially, but they are living creatures. This work takes place some time after the Saurs’ popularity diminished in the world, and now many of them, after having been neglected by their owners, live in the home of Tom Groverton. The work itself has very little going on in it, and focuses mainly on the Saurs, their treatment by their owners, the world, and Tom. It has a depressing focus on the Sympathetic Monster theme. The reader is meant to feel that these creatures are just misunderstood, mistreated, that they just want someone, somewhere to love them, in much the same way that Frankenstein’s monster just wants a companion. The only one who seems to get them is Tom, and he fills the role of those many different people that Frankenstein’s monster encounters in his own journey.

Administrative Notes: Alexander Rubio, CSUF; Dr. David Sandner, CSUF (editing)